Will Bush Administration Let Oil Companies Skate On Money Paid To African Dictator?

Exxon Mobil is quietly commemorating the largest operating income in U.S. 11.7 billion during the second one fourth. 25 million fine for effectively helping Obiang and his family stash cash in accounts in Washington. Around this time the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) launched a probe of the oil companies, with particular scrutiny of Exxon, Marathon, and Amerada Hess.

1 million to Sonavi, an exclusive security firm headed by Armengol Ondo Nguema, Obiang’s sibling and the country’s security chief. 2 million for office and building leases. About a quarter of it was paid to Obiang’s 14-year-old son. 1 million in dividend payments from both projects between 2002 and 2003 alone.

One would believe the SEC can make some headway with this assist from the Senate. At least, some creative accounting is required to show why a few of these deals, the joint purchases with Obiang especially, do not constitute disguised payments to the dictator thinly. Yet four years later it’s hard to spot any movement on the situation.

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The SEC “can’t comment on ongoing investigations,” a Commission official informed my colleague Sebastian Jones, though he did not explain if in truth there were any ongoing investigations related to the situation. ” The lawyer said that he hadn’t heard anything about the investigation recently, which suggested to him that it was longer ongoing no, though he had not been certain of that. If it has decreased the investigation, the Commission should at least acknowledge that and explain why. Or perhaps the SEC is simply sitting on the situation and hoping no one notices that it’s doing nothing?

Meanwhile, digital business development is allowed by access to essential telecom infrastructure. The web combines a large number of open public and private systems from across the global world, which will be the key base for the Global Networked Economy collectively. And since its inception in 1984, more than 4.7 zettabytes of internet protocol (IP) data traffic have already flowed across it. Based on the Visual Networking Index (VNI) by Cisco, exponential growth will continue. Where will that data traffic result from?

All of us, our electronic devices and the way we use the internet. By 2022, 60 percent of the global population will be internet users. A lot more than 28 billion devices and connections will be online. And, video content will make up 82 percent of all IP data traffic. Jonathan Davidson, senior vice president at Cisco Systems.

According to the latest Cisco assessment, global providers are focused on transforming their networks to better deal with and course online data traffic, while providing premium experiences. Cisco’s VNI talks about the impact that users, devices and other developments shall have on global IP networks over a five-year period. By 2022, the busiest hour of internet traffic will be six times more vigorous than the average.

There will be 4.8 billion internet surfers by 2022. That’s from 3 up.4 billion in 2017 or 45 percent of the world’s population. By 2022, you will see 28.5 billion set and mobile personal devices and connections, from 18 billion in 2017-or 3 up.6 networked devices/connections per person, from 2.4 per person.